
Monday, July 11, 2011


Assalamualaikum Good People......

last nite aku bercadang nak tido awal sebab arini kan keje....lately aku selalu rase macam aku tak dapat tido yang cukup la....tak taw la nape....every nite, tido xde la lewat sangat pon...paling2 lewat dalam pukul 2 mesti dah tido....dah la tuh, pas subuh pon nak membuta lagi....selalu lambat sampai pejabat...tapi xde la lambat sangat pon sampai kena marah dengan bos...lambat2 aku pon, bos lagi lambat....udah name nye bos, xpe la lambat....lumrah la tuh kan....huhuhu....

tapi bukan ini kisah nye yang aku nak cerita kan arini....ok...back to the point la kan....semalam sebelum tido tuh, aku kuar bilik jap selepas semalaman dok terperuk dalam bilik study undang2...ehem...kuar bilik tuh dengan niat nak pi minum la kan.....pas2 minum tuh, tertengok la plak la plak cte....dah la abis kul 1....sebab pkul 11 bru start.....AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN PARIS....cte ni bagi aku is a combination of horror + romance + comedy.....hahahah...memang best la kan....memang aku tengok samapi abis la kan....dah cte best, xkan tengok sekerat jalan je.....aku memang xleh camtu....kalau tengok satu2 cte tu, mesti nak tengok sampai abis...klau x nnt mesti dok pk, guane ending dia.....huhuhu

sedang2 aku dok layan tengok cte yang best gle nih, tbe2 enset aku bunti...ade mesej.....ishh...spe kaco ni....dah la tengah syok layan cte nih.....sambil mate tgk tv, tangan dok capai enset kat sebelah....tengaok2 mesej dari a friend of mine.....a good friend of mine la kan.....cani mesej nye.....nak share dengan korg.....huhuhu

DIA   : Hye syg
AKU  : Hello hi dear...
DIA   : Wt pe tu? Rndu giler ar
AKU  : Tgk tv je..hahahaha...rndu gle ke...?huhuh
DIA   : A'ah.rndu sgt
AKU  : Alahai...dh tu nk wat guane ni..??hehe
DIA   : Mane tau
AKU  : Oloh..relax la weh..
DIA   : Mnggu dpn jupe ey,kte lepak mkn aiskrim huhuhu
AKU  : Ok..insyaAllah..kli ni xnk aiskrim mcd ek..nk tutti frutti..blh..??hehehe
DIA   : Oloh ntg pe plop tu,ishk3
AKU  : Mcm aiskrim tp prozen yogurt @ froyo..kat tutti frutti je ade..n bru je sampai kat kte        mhl tp xtaw la mahal tu thp cne..hehe
DIA   : Amboi mhl2 x larat den oi
AKU  : Hehe..ala..
DIA   : Tgkla camne ey,klu loan msok bleh je
AKU  : Hehe..xyah la weh..maen2 je pun..sundae pon dh best dh..hehe
DIA   : Xpela,klu msuk loan aku blnje ko ey. Klu snyp tu lom lgla hehe
AKU  : Hehehe..yo la yg pntg sundae wajib ek..hehehe
DIA   : Hahaha yela syg
AKU  : Orait..hehe
DIA   : Jom tdo
AKU  : Ok gudnite..take care..:)
DIA   : Take care too,daa

hahahah...itu lah dia mesej nye....poyo x poyo la kan.....yang lawak nye is bile dia xtaw what is tutti frutti...hehehe...meh aku kasi taw ke mu ape itu tutti frutti.....hehehe....

Tutti Frutti is a specialty frozen yogurt retailer worldwide. Tutti Frutti has currently expanded to many different countries including (Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Dubai, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Tahiti, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Vietnam, etc).
Well Spring Inc. supplies Tutti Frutti with cutting-edge soft serve machines on a wholesale basis. Additionally, Currently with over 50 flavors, Tutti Frutti continues its innovation by constantly creating new and unique flavors to set them apart from their competition.

There are several reasons why Tutti Frutti yogurt has become a worldwide sensation. The taste and quality of our yogurt is simply unmatched. Moreover, there are substantial health benefits to eating frozen yogurt. Due to our popular self serve concept, Tutti Frutti stores are able to operate effortlessly and efficiently with minimal overhead costs.
The self serve frozen yogurt concept has really become a hit in major cities across the world. If you are interested in a great business opportunity with Tutti Frutti, please take a moment of your time to call one of our friendly sales associates. They will be happy to assist you with any information you need in order to open a Tutti Frutti store in your area. To learn more about Tutti Frutti, please visit our Tutti Frutti website, We hope to see you become a part of the Tutti Frutti family.


Jay Kim (CEO/President)

so...btw...tq sbb rindu kat aku...terharu ok....hehehe....

ko ble rindu aku mesti cam bear tu kan...hahaha

till then....take care people....God Bless....


  1. suwit mkn eskrim saya nk check samada dh follow awk atau tak tp x de 'follower' agaknya blogger buat hal lg kot.

  2. kami mmg sweet cam aiskrim...huhu...ishh...apsal xde follewer plak klau blum follow, sila la follow...i'm new to this blogging thing...heheeh



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